Monday, June 16, 2014

Foodies Shedding Booties: Secrets, Sport Bras and Smoothies

If you've been following along on Instagram you know that I've become obsessed with my FitBit which has kicked things back into gear in regards to my workout routine. I'd be lying to you if I said that this was all easy and that it was pure self-discipline and motivation that I can attribute this all to... nope, it all still sucks, but I've just found some cool tricks along the way!

1. Pay attention to what you eat and why you're eating it. This is an obvious one and you've heard it time and time again. Now I say "Pay attention" rather than "Watch what you eat" because I've noticed that if I make a conscious decision to eat something a little outside the healthy spectrum, I'm not going to beat myself up over it, however I am going to make sure I hit my step goal or take an extra class at the gym that week. I've also noticed that I now have an internal dialogue with myself that goes a little something like this;

Kasey's Stomach: I really want bag of chips right now. 
Kasey's Head: Are you sure you want chips? Or could you be satisfied with an apple?
Kasey's Stomach: Bitch, I want me some BACKYARD BARBECUE KETTLE COOKED CHIPS! 
Kasey's Head: Girl, shut yo' face. Eat the damn apple. You'll thank me the next time you squeeze that ass into them jeans!

Ironically enough... my stomach must be feeling the defeat because it's been shrinking and my cravings have certainly been curbed! And yes, my Stomach has the personality of a Maury Povich guest.
Want to cure the chocolate cravings with a snack that's packed with protein? Get the recipe for this Chocolate Banana Smoothie here!

2. Partake in a little healthy competition. The beauty of this FitBit thing is that I can link up with friends and see their steps. Click here to link up with me if you'd like! My co-worker and I will constantly pass each other in step-count and encourage each other to take breaks to get out and get moving. Need a little more motivation? Link up with that Mean Girl from high school and be sure to kick her butt! I mean that in the nicest way possible.

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3. Wear kick-ass workout gear. By now you all know my obsession with cute workout gear. I'm a firm believer that if you like what you wear when you workout... you'll actually go and workout! I recently was gifted a new sport bra from Victoria's Secret as part of their #VSSportTester promotion thanks to Influenster. I'll be honest, I wasn't in love with the style that they sent me, but we were encouraged to go into the store and find the best one for us. It wasn't long before I was hitting up the Semi-Annual Sale to stock up on new bright colored workout gear! I filled my bag with a bunch of different colors and styles of Sport Bras to try on and weed through, assuming that this will be like all the other dressing room experiences I've had resulting in self loathing and regret.

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However after trying on the first few VS Sport Bras I realized that it was holding stuff in in all the right places, lifting, and shaping and being all sorts of sexy. Suddenly, I felt like the offspring of Beyonce and Jillian Michaels!

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I decided to go with the hot pink because it had a light padding and super comfortable back closure...aaaand it matched an adorable pair of yoga pants. I CANNOT wait to bust out this outfit for my next workout session!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored blog post. Influenster provided me with complimentary Victoria's Secret products to test and review as part of a contest. 

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