Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm such a Pin-Head! Are you?!

So I know this is not new news, but Pinterest is amazing and evil all at once.

Yes, it was delightful while wedding planning to see the millions of pins and second guess my colors, my dress, my decor, and theme but at least I didn't second guess myself on the groom...however there are an AWFUL lot of Ryan Gosling pins out there! 

Besides using Pinterest to plan weddings you may or may not be actually having, to decorate a home you don't live in or to fulfill a closet that only Carrie Bradshaw could manage, it is a pretty amazing place for Foodies to flock and get great recipe ideas! 

That being said, if you're like me and are addicted to the new craze in social media, I've been pinning lots of great recipes for inspiration as well as some pins of my own so please take a second and check it out and "Follow" me on there! 

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